Counselling, Psychotherapy & Supervision

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive”

Maya Angelou

The House on Snow Hill,
1 Snow Hill Court,
London EC1A 2EJ
The Dawn Lister Therapy Centre,
1-5 Church Hill,
Essex SS9 2DE
bacp - counselling changes lives

To make an appointment call:
07584 135 380


How I work

Trained in the psychodynamic approach, I normally work with individuals on a once-weekly basis, although I do sometimes offer twice weekly sessions depending on the client’s needs.  Psychodynamic therapy has developed from psychoanalytic theory and practice and is concerned with exploring how our ways of relating to ourselves and others are shaped by our early history.  In an attempt to deal with the anxiety or emotional pain caused by conflicts and difficult past experiences, we often develop defences or coping mechanisms which may serve us well at first but all too often become problematic over the course of our lives as our circumstances and needs change.  Because such defences or patterns of thinking or behaviour often develop outside conscious awareness, they have a tendency to become entrenched and repetitive.  

Working in a confidential and containing space the role of the psychodynamic therapist is to listen, to make links between past and present and to identify patterns of relating, thereby providing the client an opportunity to uncover defences and conflicts which continue to exert a powerful influence.  Psychodynamic therapy is based on the premise that through greater awareness and understanding of how we have come to be as we are, and a growing ability to think and reflect on our experience, we develop the potential for greater choice in our lives.

I have also been trained in:

Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT), a time limited, more focused model of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy which explores problematic interpersonal patterns that may have developed early on but which are no longer helpful. Identifying such patterns and finding new, more effective ways of relating can have a very powerful effect on overall mood and self esteem.  This model takes place over 16 or 26 sessions depending on the complexity of your difficulties.

Mentalisation Based Therapy (MBT), which helps to make sense of our thoughts, beliefs, wishes and feelings and to link these to our actions and behaviours.  Mentalisation is a normal capacity that we all use in everyday life, and underpins all human relationships.  However, some people find it more difficult to mentalise in certain situations than others.  MBT is particularly useful for people who have difficulties with interpersonal relationships and who experience overwhelming feelings which may result in destructive behaviours such as self-harm, substance misuse and aggression towards others.  

How therapy works

After receiving an initial call or email, I aim to respond within 24 hours and normally suggest booking a short phone conversation to discuss your needs and availability.  I then offer an initial assessment over one or two 50-minute assessment sessions in which we think together about your difficulties and the kind of help most suited to your needs.  If I feel a different approach might be more helpful for you I will recommend that.  Once you decide to proceed with therapy we agree on a day and time for sessions, and decide whether we shall see each other in person or online.

Sessions last 50 minutes and the ‘frame’ provided by the setting, time and frequency of appointments constitute a crucial element of the work.

Online sessions

I started offering online sessions during the Covid pandemic, and I have found that some people prefer this way of working, particularly if they live outside London, travel frequently for work or have difficulty leaving the house.  Although it differs in a number of respects from in person therapy, it can still be very helpful.  It is most effective if you can put the following in place:

  • Privacy: a private space where you feel free to speak without being interrupted or overheard.  It is important to let other people know you are unavailable during your session.
  • Safe, comfortable space: just as with in person therapy it is helpful to have your remote sessions in a space where you feel comfortable and safe, and if possible in the same space each time.  Try to ensure you’re sitting on a comfortable chair, with a box of tissues and a glass of water.
  • Turn off all devices: it is recommended you turn off all electronic devices and remove distractions so you can focus on the session.
  • Time before and after each session: If possible try not to go straight from work or another activity into the session, and try to give yourself 15 minutes or so afterwards to reflect and settle yourself before rushing onto something else.



I also offer online supervision to trainees and experienced psychotherapists and counsellors.  Please get in touch if you would like to discuss setting up regular sessions.


£85 for an assessment

Therereafter from £80-£100 by arrangement at the initial session.